
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The English Dept.

The English Department is home to one of the odder professors, F. Rubbel. A witty man, considered to be friends with all of his students. He has an odd twitch as he walks the halls of the English dept. Other English teachers also work here, but F. Rubbel is the head.

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No New Posts The Math Dept.

The mathematics teacher, Mr. Wear has a nasal, whining voice and nags each of his students. The Mathematics department is an entirely different building to the academy, and is located next to the actual academy.

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No New Posts The Languages Dept.

The languages dept has a rather snooty teacher prowling around. Ms. Bond, a fairly young woman with a snappish attitude. Don't get on her bad side!

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No New Posts The Science Dept.

The science department is run by the uptight, strict, Ms. Flora. She demands punctuality, high quality home work and attention during class at all times. Other science teachers cower in her presence.

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No New Posts Performing Arts.

The performing arts dept teaches drama, art, and music. The head of this department is Mr. Stoddart, an easily amused fellow with a large stomach. If it wasn't for his trimmed mustache and black hair, he'd be mistaken for Santa.

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No New Posts The Psychology Dept.

The Psychology Department has one of the most indecisive teachers around. Mr. Rose is a great teacher, ready and willing to teach all those that have his class. But he's just not a very good person to ask for a straight forward answer. The other teachers quietly mock him.

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No New Posts The Humanities Dept.

The Humanities are made up of History, Geography and Religious Studies. The head of this department is the boring Mr Senior. His droning voice has the ability to send almost any student to sleep. Not that he'd notice.

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No New Posts The P.E Dept.

The P.E department. The head of this department, Mr Kennedy, is a somewhat erratic minded teacher who doesn't mind a laugh, or joining in with the activities, but isn't afraid to raise his voice if needed.

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No New Posts The Misc. Dept.

The miscellaneous department teaches IT/Travel and Tourism/Business Studies and has one of the funnier teachers. Ms. Ahomet is always forgetting where she is and what she is doing.

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